WordPress Tips:(1)

How to Reset Your Admin Password If Your forget the Email or Have No Access To the Mailbox?

Sometimes, you may forget your admin user name and/or password, and even forget the email you use for that admin account. Dead? Reinstall? No, we can have an easy way to reset the password if you have access to the MySQL database.

Suppose your WordPress tables use the default prefix wp, then you may use phpMyAdmin (most hosting services offer you that handy tool to manage your databases.) If you forget which database you use for that WordPress installation, you may go to the WordPress installation folder, and open the wp-config.php and find the database name.

Then go to wp_users, and browse the user ID 1, you can modify the user_email value and then go to WordPress site to request a reset. After you get the password reset, you may restore the old user_email or the encrypted password string if you make a copy of them. Before you restore the old password, you may even create an additional admin account for future use. For security purpose, some people even remove the user with ID 1 and use other user account as admin.

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